The Complete Guide to
Land your Dream Consulting Job | Boost your Career
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Why MentorX instead of other coaching platforms?
Our training materials are developed by top consulting coaches and are offered at a price 2 to 5 times lower than other platforms. Our mission is to democratize access to high-quality training content and challenge the market's pricing standards. You shouldn't have to borrow money to afford such training.
What resources will I have access to on MentorX?
On MentorX, you'll gain access to a wide range of training materials designed to help you master every step of the consulting recruitment process. This includes video guides, a comprehensive case library and much more!
Who created the content and resources?
The content was built by top professionals, ranging from ex-MBB consultants to world-class MBA alumni and career coaches, to offer our students the best chance of landing the job of their dreams.
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